What type of Interior Decorator are you? Do you know your style personality?

I love quizzes, multi-choice in particular, especially when the answers are creative choices and not necessarily right or wrong. So I've been having a brilliant time recently filling in a variety of multi-choice tests to learn more about my personality and how this can be applied to business, style, mentality and progression.Two quizzes that I had particular enjoyment in filling recently include the wonderful interior blogger Sarah Akwisombe's 'What Type of Style Personality' as well as completing the DiSC profile led by Manager Tools.And the results........Sarah Akwisombe's STYLE PERSONALITY TEST:


Interior Style quiz

I am delighted to be a RUSTIC TRADITIONALIST! Yes I do love the word rustic!! Weathered...unrefined...handcrafted....natural...organic...whimsical...earthy...hues...materials...yes I think it's summed up my interior style pretty spot on!

And so for Manager Tools DiSC profile....I was calculated as A PERFECTIONIST!

According to my profile, I have a tendency to display "great attention to detail and a fierce devotion to accuracy...and I'm a rigorous thinker and planner.." I think this is probably true (*glances over to today's 'to-do' list for reassurance..)

It's been a great insight and brilliant way of looking at both strengths and weaknesses and how best you can apply your skills to tasks in hand.


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