Interior Decor Ideas with Wild Peak Wallpaper

Our homes our are sanctuary more than ever at the moment. A place to cocoon and re-evaluate. Our decoration and the way it makes us feel is becoming paramount. Over the coming weeks, I’m going to be sharing several interior mood board ideas featuring a selection of my fabric and wallpaper designs, incorporating some paint colour choices to go alongside. I hope they may help to inspire a room redecoration or two!


My Wild Peak Wallpaper, a design capturing the colours whilst driving through Glencoe. Summits, peaks, valleys and lochs—all emerging from the clouds.

Paint Colour Suggestions

If moving towards honey warm tones to bring out the sunshine, consider Craig & Rose Papyrus for the walls and Pipe Clay on the wood work.

Alternatively if wishing to highlight the rich inky blues which run through this design, consider Craig & Rose Paynes Grey for the walls and the beautifully calming Turner on the wood work.

Fabrics Featured

The above featured fabrics are from Bute Fabrics - Stag on the left and the Rain on the right, from their Turnberry range.

Mix Up The Textures

My Wild Peak Wallpaper pairs beautifully with leathers and wood. Consider an accent leather chair, bring out the rustic outdoor feel with a vase of preserved beech leaves, offset against wood - think about hanging the wallpaper in the kitchen together with your oak work tops.

Looking to create your own mood board?

You can order samples of my wallpapers and fabrics here!


Crossing Tides Wallpaper Mood board Ideas: Add A Subtle Scottish Touch


Keep Cosy This Christmas With a Mairi Helena Forest Light Throw!